Folding palette

Folding palette

Take control of your wardrobes and drawers with the help of this perfectly sized folding pallet. As well and bringing the sleekness of a designer clothes shop to your wardrobe, the folding pallet will help create more space, prevent the need to re-iron scrunched up clothes, keep them in a good condition for longer and stop clothes getting lost amongst the chaos within.


Folding palette

Place a garment out on a clean flat surface and lay the pallet on top of the garment with the handle at the neck of the item.

Fold the arms and sides in first followed by the bottom of the garment. Then pull the pallet out by the handle.  The pallet is made of acrylic for a silky smooth surface, so it slides out easily with no pulling or snagging.

The folding pallet measures 41cm x 24cm